Monday July 7th Announcements

Hi all,

Hope you had a great long weekend. I will be providing feedback on your Feeder 1s today, so look for that!

Please remember, I am hosting an optional discussion zoom meeting tonight:

6:00pm-7:00pm on Mondays

Zoom link:


Due Today by 11pm:

Read: Chapter 6 (pages 123-142) 9781317572213 Sanders, J., Drakakis, J. (2016). Adaptation and Appropriation. London: Routledge,






Homework (Due Tomorrow, Tuesday 7/7 at 11pm):

  1. Read: Mackie, Penelope and Jago, Mark, “Transworld Identity”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.
  2. Post in Forums: Can you think of a work that uses Transworld Identity? Why do you think it does this?

Also, some of the podcasts are up on our website, please check them out:



Published by

Grant Glass

English and Comp Literature