Class Polices
- Students are encouraged to think critically and to express their opinions but must always be respectful and tolerant of each other.
- This class will use some workshop-based activities, which means you need to do the assigned drafts and assignments. In order to have productive discussions and feedback, you need to be prepared and come with specific questions about your writing.
- I expect students to engage someway everyday (M-F) with this class.
- There will be some texts in this course that will be challenging, complex, and thought-provoking. The more time you spend reading and writing, the more rewarding these texts will be.
- The syllabus is tentative and subject to possible changes. Any changes will be announced in advance to give students adequate time to adjust and prepare.
I value the opinions and perspectives of individuals from all diverse backgrounds. My goal is that all students’ needs are addressed in this course and all perspectives are valued. I broadly define diversity to include race, gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, social class, age, sexual orientation and physical and learning ability. I strive to make this classroom an inclusive space for all minority student groups. I value your input to improve the climate of my classroom.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has had a student-led honor system for over 100 years. Academic integrity is at the heart of Carolina and we all are responsible for upholding the ideals of honor and integrity. The student-led Honor System is responsible for adjudicating any suspected violations of the Honor Code and all suspected instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the honor system. You can find more information, including your responsibilities as a student, in the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance(ISJG).
In this class, we expect your full participation and observance of the Honor Code. All academic work in this course, including response papers, essays, quizzes, and exams, is to be your own. It is your responsibility if you have any doubt to confirm whether or not collaboration is permitted. At UNC, plagiarism is defined as “the deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise” (ISJG Section II.B.1.). We are required to report any honor code offense to the Honor Court. Because it is considered a form of cheating, the Office of the Dean of Students can punish students who plagiarize with course failure and suspension. Full information can be found on the UNC Honor System page (
If you think you are running into trouble with an assignment, PLEASE come and speak with me. It is much better to take a late penalty on an assignment than to risk Honor Court proceedings.
UNC’s Accessibility Resources and Service Office (ARS) works with students to facilitate reasonable accommodations, including resources and services, for students with disabilities, chronic medical conditions, a temporary disability or pregnancy complications resulting in difficulties with accessing learning opportunities. Please contact ARS if you anticipate needing such accommodations: In addition, please notify us as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Additionally, all students are welcome – and encouraged! – to seek support services through the Learning Center ( and the Writing Center (
*Language about these official policies is drawn from UNC’s recommended syllabus statements: here and here.
Students with Disabilities: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ensures that no qualified person shall by reason of a disability be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of, any program or activity operated by the University. Each qualified person* shall receive reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate. In compliance with UNC policy and federal law, qualified students with disabilities are eligible to receive “reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to education opportunities, programs, and activities” ( If you anticipate such accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Additionally, you may seek out student support services at the Department of Disability Services (DDS) ( and through the Learning Center (
* Even if you do not have an official diagnosis, I am happy to make accommodations for those who need them. Please let me know.
Nondiscrimination Policy: This university does not discriminate against its students or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability. It is the policy of UNC-Chapel Hill that sexual orientation be treated in this same manner. In this class we will strive to maintain an open atmosphere with shared respect for differences.
Writing Center: This is an outstanding resource. Check out these on-line handouts for help writing your papers. You may also set up an appointment with a writing counselor: plan in advance, as they do get booked.
Late Policy
Usually, no late work will be accepted unless you have a documented emergency or a medical situation. If you think your work is going to be late, please email me and we will work together on an adjustment to the due date.