Reply To: Fanfiction and Adaptation

Home Forums Week 1 Forums Tuesday (6/23) Defining Fan Fiction Fanfiction and Adaptation Reply To: Fanfiction and Adaptation

Annette Varghese

The way Jamison described it sounded like the community as a whole grew because of technology because otherwise, other people could not collaborate on work together since it was a diverse group. However, because these franchises were so significant, I think that people did write fanfiction earlier but lacked the outlet to share it.

I thought it was an interesting decision to split up the last book into two movies. The directors did a similar thing for the last book of Harry Potter! I think the main reason for splitting them up is to make more profit and to be able to digest all of the information because the last books contained more information. The producers had nothing to lose since it was the end of the franchise, but gained more profits by creating two films.