Adidas v. Payless Shoesource Inc.

Home Forums Week Two Forums Monday (6/29) Copyright Adidas v. Payless Shoesource Inc.

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    The Adidas brand can often be recognized by their logo, which is a three-stripe mark, on their merchandise. This infamous and well-known design has been in contact with consumers since 1952 and was registered as an Adidas trademark. However, in 1994, Adidas realized that Payless shoe store was selling a confusingly similar design to that of Adidas’ tennis shoes. Instead of the three-stripe design, these shoes had two and four stripes. The companies hashed out a settlement, but in 2001, Payless was selling the look-alike design again. In fear that the look-alikes would tarnish their brand, Adidas demanded a jury trial. After seven years, Adidas was awarded millions of dollars for each stripe according to the Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog.

    Grant Glass

    Wow. Three stripes as a copyright? Do you think that is right?

    The design of the shoe I can understand, but three stripes?

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