It is very common for counterfeit and wrongfully-branded items to be sold on online marketplaces. Many companies (like Chanel) are very expensive, so people turn to cheaper companies in order to purchase branded items at lower prices.
Chanel sued Amazon for allowing more than two-dozen third-party sellers on their website to sell goods falsely branded with Chanel’s trademark interlocking Cs logo, their other logos, and their name. Some of these goods included bags, t-shirts, and phone cases. Chanel has had a history of being very protective of their intellectual property.
Chanel was eventually awarded over $3 million in damages, about $100,00 for each third-party seller using their intellectual property. Amazon was forced to shut down every third-party store who was selling these counterfeit products and also give Chanel the balance in the accounts of these stores. This is an example of a company suing over intellectual property infringement and winning.