In the fanfiction story titled “Ben Solo’s Awakening“, a lot is changed in terms of the story of Star Wars, and specifically the movie The Rise of Skywalker. In this fanfiction, Ben Solo is brought back to life by the Force after his death to give him a second chance at life to make things right again, and to help Rey and the resistance defeat the Final Order.
This completely changes the dynamic of the Star Wars universe because in the movie The Rise of Skywalker, Ben Solo dies and presumably stays dead, giving his life to save Rey. At the end of the movie, Rey seems to be the lone Jedi who is now tasked with the responsibility of rebuilding a new Jedi Order, and maintaining peace and stability across the galaxy. In this story, since Ben is now alive again, the author writes that there is still a battle/war occurring between the Resistance and the Final Order. It seems that this conflict is what will drive the story, and the reason why Ben was brought back to life in the story.