Fanfiction- Time After Time

Home Forums Week 1 Forums Wednesday (6/24) Fanfiction Example Fanfiction- Time After Time

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    Prompt: Find a short fan fiction (or just a portion of a longer one) and talk about what it changes about the source text.

    This fanfiction combines two source texts: a character from the movie Mean Girls, Regina George, and a character from the movie Heathers, Heather Chandler. That is perhaps the biggest way that it differs from the source texts is that it itself is a combination. Additionally, the movies exist in different decades and have totally different lifestyles in their perspective movies. Additionally, Heather Candler died in the movie Heathers, and if she were alive, she would be 30+ years old and not in high school with Regina.

    *Another difference is that the author spelled Heather’s last name wrong in her writings.

    Grant Glass

    Interesting!! So when you combine two franchises, you would still consider it a fanfiction? Would you define fanfiction as reusing characters from another franchise? Or if there is enough change, would this be something new.

    The spelling is a nice thread to investigate further

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