From reading Chapter 2 of Fathallah’s book, I have learned more about some of the constraints of fanfiction and how there is a process for preserving other people’s work and privacy in order to quote their works. Fathallah notes that there are ethical considerations in quoting parts of the fanfiction, its reviews, and any other responses. She suggests and anyone who is intending to quote another author should first ask for their permission and ask how they would like to gain an appreciation for their work. Some authors prefer to be recognized by their pen-name while others would like to use their real name to receive commendations.
I will apply this to my own projects because I have now learned that even though it can be argued whose intellectual property the fanfic is, it is still necessary to ask permission for quoting or referencing a fanfiction. In addition, I think using this process will help me learn more about the authors and their ideas about their fanfiction.