Star Wars Infinities is a comic book series that takes the stories of the original Star Wars trilogies, and creates an alternate what-if scenario for each movie of what would happen if a certain event happened, or if something different had occurred. While the characters in the story are the same exact characters as the characters in the canon Star Wars movies, the story and their actions change as the story explores an alternate version of what could’ve happened in the movies. For example, in Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope, the comic explores what would have happened if Luke Skywalker had been unable to destroy the Death Star, and how that one change would’ve affected the rest of the Star Wars movies. In this new alternate story, Leia would’ve turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader’s sith apprentice, and Yoda would still be alive. This would ultimately result in Leia dueling with Luke towards the end of the comic, and having the ending of the original Star Wars trilogy slightly modified (Yoda uses R2D2 to control the Death Star and crash it into Coruscant, killing the Emperor).