**Daily Class Videos Posted Here By 9am the day of class.
**UPDATE: All Assignments are Due by 11pm the day after they are assigned (Example: a Homework posted on Monday is due Tuesday by 11pm, Homework posted on Friday is due Monday by 11pm).
Optional Video: Can you say anything is objectively good or bad?
Friday’s Class (7/10):
By Monday at 11pm:
- Read Ta-Nehisi Coates Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet Book 1 (available in Hoopla) https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/12003731 **You will need to create a Hoopla account and create a library card account (it is all free)
Week 4: What is Good Fanfiction? (7/13-7/17)
Monday’s Class (7/13):
Topic: Case Study, Black Panther (Watch Movie and short video, No Lecture)
Watch: Black Panther (https://catalog.lib.unc.edu/catalog/UNCb9885597)
- Post in Forums: Do you consider Coates’ version of Black Panther to be a type of fanfiction?
- Group Discussion of Black Panther Recording (https://unc.zoom.us/rec/share/6td4JrOv11lOSK_vsWr6d6MjMIbUT6a8hnVK-aEOe_FP1daYjFb1GyuTwaAdlQ?startTime=1594677803000) Password: 3q*4%0oi
Tuesday’s Class (7/14):
Topic: Case Study, Watchmen (Watch Episode, No Lecture)
Watch: Episode 1: Watchmen (2019): https://www.hbo.com/watchmen
1. Read: Watchmen pages 1-26 (Alan Moore) https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/12396531
2. Optional: Watch Watchmen movie (https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/watchmen). If you are interested, I will stream the movie tonight at 7pm: https://unc.zoom.us/j/2136333837
3. Post in Forums: How would you categorize the three Watchmen texts (adaptation, fanfiction, primary text)? Why?
Wednesday’s Class (7/15):
Topic: Medium is the Message part 2
Workshop Creating a Website:
Example: https://grantg.web.unc.edu/
- Read: Isolation by Bex-chan https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6291747/1/Isolation
- Optional: If you need a refresher on Half Blood Prince: Why The Half Blood Prince is the Best Harry Potter Book (Video Essay) By MovieFlame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkvkVBrdCxQ
- Post in Forums: Compare some of the “fanfictions” we have discussed so far.
Optional: Group Discussion of Watchmen at 4pm (Wednesday, 7/15)
Thursday’s Class (7/16):
Workshop Creating your Video Narrative
**Ensure you have downloaded Adobe Premier Pro from Adobe Creative Cloud. If you downloaded inDesign already, this should be easy!
Watch the following Videos:
Fan Fiction Example:
Homework: Write your video narrative out in preparation to record it for tomorrow.
Think about:
- What’s the fanfiction’s interesting “story”?
- Be sure to include basic information about your fanfiction genre or individual work (when it was made and why, anything notable about its form or construction).
- What is/are the general cultural context(s) we need to know about to understand the fanfiction?
- What can be said about controversies or conflicts related to your fanfiction?
- Or what is the scene/plot of your fanfiction?
Friday’s Class (7/17):
Topic: Discussion of FanFiction, what is good and what bad?
Workshop: Editing Video
Feeder 3: Complete Audio Recording of your Video Project by 11:59pm Sunday (7/19). DropBox-Submit Feeder 3 Here
Week 5: Video Projects (7/20-7/24)
Monday’s Class (7/20):
Topic: The Video Essay
- Download: Camtasia(https://www.techsmith.com/video-editor.html) for our Workshop tomorrow. You can use the trial, you DO NOT need to buy it. Or if you would like to use a different screen capture software, you can use that instead.
- Complete Rough Draft of Video
Tuesday’s Class (7/21):
Topic: How to screen capture
Secondary Option: Zoom
Upload Video Draft here by 11pm. (make sure you clicked on my invitation in the beginning of the term):
- Respond to at least one video project using rubric *CLICK HERE
- Post any questions to Forums
Wednesday’s Class (7/22):
Topic: Video Workshop
- Review Assignments: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lXwud2ekS1z17zg8IbREiCozfoP_HoVLt2QGawtMaMo/edit?usp=sharing
- Find your Peer’s Video here: https://duke.box.com/s/oayhmxqn4387n3hae7a02mh622v33sn2
- Respond using screen capture according to this rubric *CLICK HERE
- Upload Screen capture to this drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZAHGLBr816nTYS6huWWNiVsqRvzp4cl_?usp=sharing
- Upload your screen capture by 11:59pm Tonight (Wednesday 7/22)
Thursday’s Class (7/23): LAST DAY OF CLASS
Topic: Final Review and Discussion
- Contribute 1 question for final exam: https://engl149summer2020.web.unc.edu/forums/forum/final-exam-questions/
- Complete Video Project by the latest 11:59pm Friday (7/24/20): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m4xJk5bY_SMRsFAFHR8k0gSuLxeOQiAc?usp=sharing
Friday’s Class (7/24): TAKE HOME FINAL EXAM