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  • #390
    Jennifer Austin

    Copyright is meant to protect the original author from having his or her work stolen by another author or misused in a way the original author did not intend for the work to be used. Most fanfiction does not violate copyright because the fans who write it do not profit off it. Also most fans acknowledge who originally wrote the initial piece that the fanfiction is derived from, so they are not stealing the work. Some author do not like their work being used in fanfic for a variety of reasons. For some authors is about controlling the world they created and not wanting their characters changed, especially in ways they, the author, do not agree with. I understand this. A a writer, I do not want my characters changed. They are the way, they are suppose to be. if you want to play in my world, fine, just don’t change my characters. Many writers feel this way, which is why they copyright. For other authors, like Ann Rice, they want less derivative work and more original work. I understand this as a reader. The entire science fiction section is full of books about tv shows and movies. there is nothing new anymore. So many authors have said they don’t want fanfiction. Fanfiction that violates copyright is fanfics that are written about works that the author has stated they do not want their work used in fanfiction, because this is using the work in a way the author does not want it used in. There need to be respect between the author and the fans. Fans need to respect the author’s wishes and authors respect fans by letting fans enjoy their works.

    Grant Glass

    What do you think about the death of the author? Do you think author’s intentions should play a role? There are plenty of bad fanfictions, but what about a character being used in a new interesting way that makes the source text even richer?

    Jennifer Austin

    It turns out that I have been doing death of the author all along without even realizing it. I don’t care what the author’s original intent is. All I care about is what’s on the page. I found that author intent can ruin a book. This happened to me with Harry Potter. After reading several JK Rowling interviews over the years, I actually couldn’t stand to read the books anymore, which was a shame because I was a huge fan. After that experience, I chose not to read or listen to interviews from my favorite authors. I just read the books and enjoy them. I’m okay with fanfiction, I mean I write fanfiction. I’m not okay with people changing who my characters are. If people wanted to give my characters new cases to work on or new adventures to go on, I’m okay with that. I just want people to respect who my characters are and to not change who they are, like with people in the real world. In most of my stories the main character is me with a different name. I don’t want people to change me, but if people want to give me new places to go and new people to meet, I’m happy with that.

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