Fanfiction Cover Close Read

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    The Legend of Genji is an Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra fanfiction that uses the similar world of the previous series and focuses the story on the new avatar that arises after Korra’s death. In the Prologue video that features on YouTube, the video serves as a cover for the upcoming comic series as it gives a preface of what’s to come within the story. The video shows images of a funeral, with the narration being a eulogy for Korra. The video also depicts different images of the many characters from the previous series and the changing world that will appear in the series. This prologue essentially gives the audience a somber yet hopeful feeling, as despite the funeral being dark, gloomy, and sad the narration verbalizes a hope for a new avatar which gives the audience a sense of hopefulness and excitement to see where the story will go next as it focuses on this new avatar.



    Your close read is spot on! The distressed girl appearing on the video’s cover communicates pains and remorse; yet, the title, “The Legend of Genji” foreshadows the uprising of a new avatar. Various visual and narrative elements solidify this message throughout the video.

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