Question about the Podcast and Final Exam

Home Forums Week 1 Forums Thursday (6/25) Questions Question about the Podcast and Final Exam

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    Hi! So I had a few questions concerning the podcast assignment and the final project:

    -For the podcast, how exactly are we supposed to complete this assignment? Is there a link we are supposed to go to record it, or are we supposed to record it ourselves and then send it to you? Also, are we discussing any topic surrounding fanfiction we want or are we only doing topics that we have covered in class? And what exactly are we supposed to be speaking on surrounding the topic we are discussing? Is it open ended or is there a specific template for how we should discuss the topic?
    -For the final project, if we are able to write our own fanfiction for our final exam, is there a rubric we must follow or is the project more up to us to figure out? Also, if we did decide to write our own fanfiction for the final project,is there any extra work we would have to turn in along with the fanfiction work we wrote?

    Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good weekend! 🙂

    Grant Glass

    Hi Luke,

    Thank you for the questions.

    I have posted the directions for the podcast here:

    You will record the podcast with me, using zencaster. I will provide the link for you. All you need to do is pick a time, email me the topic and any works you want to discuss, and then we will record it together.

    If you want to pursue writing your own fanfiction for the final, I would suggest signing up for a time on my office hours to discuss. Since the fanfiction can take multiple forms, we will work out the rubric for grading together. Depending on the length and form of the project, you will need to contextualize it in some way or describe your process.

    Does that sound good?

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